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This pre-recorded hangout begins with mention of Rolf Harris, who died recently, and the lies people are continuing to spew about him, along with new ones. I also covered what might be called the Phillip Schofield scandal, which is still unravelling.
I covered the case of a retired police officer who has just been cleared of an alleged rape in 2004.
After that I covered the musings or perhaps that should be the ravings of Victoria Brownworth, a self-confessed rape victim, which I believe, but not her ludicrous claims about statistics, E. Jean Carroll and Christine Blasey Ford.
The case of two self-styled “paedo-hunters” is also discussed followed by the case of Tariq Ramadan, recently acquitted of raping one woman but not out of the woods yet. This sounds like another false rape bandwagon, as I pointed out.
I covered a teen suicide, one which I may add to the Timeline.
Obituary for Rolf Harris:
The Prior Bad Acts Of Gloria Allred: how one corrupt lawyer and a compliant media framed Bill Cosby as a serial rapist:
The International False Rape Timeline:
Link to the entire body of my published work:
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